2024 ISBASS @ Bangkok, Thailand
Embracing the Digital Age
8th International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences


The International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences (ISBASS) invites submissions for panel discussions, industry reports, and showcase presentations to be featured at our upcoming conference on on November 14-16, 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. This year’s special session topic is "Digital Transformation and its Impact on Society.ISBASS brings together leading researchers, industry experts, and academics to explore the latest trends, innovations, and challenges in business and social sciences.
About the Panel Discussions
Digital transformation represents a profound shift in how organizations and societies operate, driven by advancements in technology such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, and digital platforms. This special session will delve into the multifaceted impact of these technological changes on business operations, social dynamics, and societal well-being. We seek panels that will inspire thought leadership, encourage collaboration, and provide attendees with practical insights that can be applied in their own work.
Panel Discussion Topics
We welcome panel proposals on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:
The Future of Work: How digital transformation is altering job roles, work environments, and workforce management.
Digital Equity and Inclusion: Addressing disparities in access to digital technologies and ensuring equitable opportunities for all.
Impact on Business Models: Innovations in business strategies, customer engagement, and operational efficiency driven by digital technologies.
Social Media and Communication: The influence of digital platforms on communication patterns, social interactions, and public discourse.
Privacy and Data Security: Challenges and solutions related to protecting personal data in a digital age.
Smart Cities and Urban Planning: The role of digital technologies in developing smarter, more efficient urban environments.
Digital Transformation in Education: Transformative effects on teaching methods, learning experiences, and educational access.
Ethical and Regulatory Considerations: Navigating the ethical implications and regulatory challenges associated with digital transformation.
Proposal Submission Guidelines
Panel proposals should include the following:
1.Panel Title: A clear and engaging title that reflects the topic.
2.Panel Description: A summary (300-500 words) outlining the topic, key issues to be discussed, and the significance of the panel to the conference theme.
3.Moderator and Panelists: Names, affiliations, and brief biographies of the moderator and 3-5 proposed panelists. Panelists should represent a mix of academia, industry, and other relevant sectors to provide a diverse range of perspectives
4.Format: Outline of the session format, including presentation and discussion time, and any audience interaction plans (e.g., Q&A, live polling).
5.Objectives: Key takeaways and outcomes expected from the panel discussion.
Submission Process
Please submit your panel proposals via the Conference Submission Portal or email them to isbass@isbass.org with the subject line “Panel Discussion Proposal – [Your Panel Title].”We look forward to receiving your proposals and your valuable contributions to the ISBASS
Since its inception at the Landmark hotel in Bangkok, Thailand in 2013, ISBASS has now entered its 8th year. Throughout this time, it has witnessed numerous significant international events and technological inventions that have had a profound impact on the world. These issues have been discussed and exchanged among scholars from various fields at ISBASS. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic over the past three years, last year we successfully held a series of lectures at the Grand Hyatt Taipei. This year, we are delighted to return to Bangkok and look forward to welcoming both old friends and newcomers from the academic community to share insights on the changes, evolution, and challenges of the digital age. Below are the themes for this year's call for papers. We warmly invite everyone to submit their contributions. Please contact us by email isbass@isbass.org, if you need further information.
The ISBASS organizing committee is now calling for abstracts and full papers to be presented at the conference.
Special Session-Digital Transformation and its Impact on Society
Digital Literacy Programs
E-Governance and Civic Engagement
Digital Healthcare Services
Smart Cities and Urban Living
Data Privacy and Security
Impact on Employment and Labor Markets
Digital Divide and Socioeconomic Disparities
Cultural and Societal Transformation
Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below:
Business & Management
Business communication
E-Business Technologies
Global Leadership
Marketing Management
Supply Chain Management
Communication Management
Education Communications and Technology
Language and Communication
Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Education Policy
Multicultural Education
Special Education
Finance & Economics
Financial and Banking
Monetary Economics
Public Taxation
Regional/International Trade
Humanities & Culture Studies
History and Geography
Immigration & Ethnicity
Law & Politics
Common Law and Equity
International Law
Political Science
Public Administration
Religious Law
Literature & Linguistics
Contrastive Linguistics
Language Education
Literature and History
Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Text Linguistics
Aggression and Violence
Cognitive, Psychological and Behavioral Sciences
Counseling Psychology
Educational and Psychological Sciences
Social Learning and Systems
Member Center
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Important Dates
Submission Deadline
Extended to August 31, 2024Still Open
Notification of Acceptance
August 01, 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
August 20, 2024
Registration Deadline
September 15, 2024
Conference Dates
November 14-16, 2024
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